Today we went to the Nevis Range and rode the gondola up the mountain so we could ride the new blue bike trail back down. My dad hooked the bikes onto the outside of the cable car and we climbed inside for the ride up. It was a bit cloudy but we could still see the mountains in the distance and Fort Wlliam down below. The route was great fun. It’s quite steep at the top with lots of twists and turns before you ride across the wide open hills then over a bridge and small waterfall. My favourite part was down the bottom inRead More →

Just setting off to get some training in for the new blue downhill mountain biking run at the Nevis Range. The trails in the forest at the bottom are open all year round but the big blue run opens on the 1st April every year once the snow melts. We can get the gondola up the mountain and ride back down so there’s no steep hill climbs which is a real bonus. Only takes about 50 minutes to drive from the lodges to the trails but if you like to cycle without the danger then there’s a nice ride along the side of Loch Shiel.Read More →

We often pass the 4×4 place when we drive past Loch Laggan on our way between the lodges and Edinburgh. As it was the school holidays we decided to book a trip in an off-road buggy. We met at the Old Filling Station then we were taken over to the Ardverikie Estate on the opposite side of the loch. The big house there always looks really cool and my mum and dad tell me it used to be in a TV show called Monarch of the Glen. I don’t remember that but I love to watch Top Gear and the boys filmed on the estateRead More →

We did lots of work to the lodges when we were closed during lockdown. Our Morar lodge was completely refurbished and I helped in lots of ways. We had a massive skip delivered so we could throw out the old bathroom, wood and doors then the work began to make it look nice again. This was me helping my dad cut old wood to line the wall in the bedroom. We cut up old pallets, sanded them down then cut them to size and fixed them to the wall. It looked brilliant when it was finished!!

So I got my first wetsuit this year and I’ve really enjoyed swimming in the sea along the coast between Arisaig and Morar. The weather can be a bit funny but the beaches are great and the sea never seems to be that cold when I have my gloves and boots on. The sun does help and Skye looks great in the background. Even when it’s cloudy the waters are still crystal clear though.

We’ve been so busy since opening up again in July that I’ve hardly been able to do any of the fun stuff in the area. My nana and papa were onsite last week though so it was time for the Head Groundsman (Papa!) to start tidying up the garden for winter. He brought lots of plants which we planted out so that come spring next year the garden will be full of colourful flowers. I also helped Duncan, our local tree surgeon, to do some tidying up in the grounds as we have some big plans for next year!! While dad did some painting mumRead More →

We had to shut the lodges in March because of the Covid crisis and cancel all our bookings.  When we learned we could open again in July we had to do lots of work to prepare for our first guests.  The garden and grounds were really overgrown and it took hours to cut the grass.  The cows in the field next door loved the cuttings though and they kept coming up to the fence for more!  I cleaned the garden furniture and helped to paint the picnic benches.  I also put new flowers in the pots and I planted some trees with my Papa includingRead More →

Today we took a trip to the Silver Sands at Morar.  The beach is magic, even if it’s not a hot day, and I got to play on the Tarzan ropes which have been hung from the trees along the hills beside the sand.  We parked where the road is closest to the beach then walked along the waterside towards the sea where the bay opens out.  There are lots of different ropes which have been strung up so small kids, and mums & dads, can all have a go!  It’s great fun and you should definitely try it if you are staying at theRead More →