Had a brilliant day today.  We took the boat to Eigg and hired mountain bikes from Eigg Adventures to ride around the island.  It was a bit hilly to start but I made it to the highest point and the ride down to the harbour at the end of the day was very, very fast!  I wanted to climb the Sgurr which is the really unusual mountain on Eigg so we had to leave the bikes half way up and climb the rest of the way on foot.  My dad had a special map on his phone so we could find our way up asRead More →

One of my favorite things to do while at the lodges is to pay a visit to the swimming pool in Mallaig.  They have fun sessions a couple of times each week and fill the pool with floats, mats, ring and lots of other play things like balls and dive weights.  There is also a gym which my mum and dad sometimes use and they sell sweets at the reception and I always get something on my way out!!  The pool is run my the local community and the timetable and opening hours change at different times of the year.  My dad always checks theirRead More →

Today we took a drive up to Mallaig for lunch and a walk around the village. I usually hate shopping but my mum took me into a brand new place called the The Highland Koo on the corner of the ferry pier and it smelled amazing! It was full of amazing soap which looked good enough to eat. My mum loved the tartan cushions and blankets and says she’s going to buy some for the lodges!

This is me at the top of Creag Mhor, the big mountain which sits behind the lodges.  We walked up to the train station at Arisaig, crossed the tracks then followed the path up from there.  It was easy at the start but very steep later on!  We took a packed lunch and stopped half way to eat.  The view was brilliant across the harbour at Arisaig then out to the islands. We saw a waterfall on our way up and the biggest dragon flies I’ve ever seen.  They were the size of my dad’s hand! When I was at the peak I could seeRead More →

Whenever we eat out I always want to go to The Clachain in Mallaig, it’s my favourite!  While we are waiting for our food to arrive I always get to play darts with my dad.  He says the adding up is good for my brain!!   After dinner we usually play a game of pool.  I’m never there late enough to see the band but I often see the musicians setting up their instruments.  We usually sit in a booth at the back but they have a big log fire which is always really hot.

We travelled to Fort William today to take on Ben Nevis. We drove to the Ben Nevis Inn and Bunkhouse which is near a farm just above the River Nevis and set off on our climb. We didn’t actually plan to climb all the way to the top of the mountain but my mum and dad have promised to take me back on another clear day to see if we can make it to the summit. My dad says I need to keep practicing in the mean time though as he says it’s very steep when you get high up!!

So today we went on the ferry to Skye then drove over the Skye Bridge to visit Eilean Donan Castle.  I saw it on the TV and when my mum and dad told me it was near the lodges I said I wanted to visit.  The weather wasn’t great but the castle is really spooky and we were allowed to walk round the island and climb the rocks down to the water.

Reuben, aged 7, Sea Kayaking while staying at Reuben's Highland Retreat Self Catering Lodges

Mum, Dad and I had a go at sea kayaking with the guys who operate from the sea front next to the hotel in Arisaig.  We got dressed in the full waterproof gear with life jackets before we jumped in the minibus and drove for 5 minutes down the coast to a quiet beach away from the harbour. There was another family with us in the bus and they joined our group for the paddle out to the Skerries which are the small islands just off the coast which shelter the harbour from the open sea.  We stopped on a couple of the islands andRead More →