So I got my first wetsuit this year and I’ve really enjoyed swimming in the sea along the coast between Arisaig and Morar. The weather can be a bit funny but the beaches are great and the sea never seems to be that cold when I have my gloves and boots on. The sun does help and Skye looks great in the background. Even when it’s cloudy the waters are still crystal clear though.

We’ve been so busy since opening up again in July that I’ve hardly been able to do any of the fun stuff in the area. My nana and papa were onsite last week though so it was time for the Head Groundsman (Papa!) to start tidying up the garden for winter. He brought lots of plants which we planted out so that come spring next year the garden will be full of colourful flowers. I also helped Duncan, our local tree surgeon, to do some tidying up in the grounds as we have some big plans for next year!! While dad did some painting mumRead More →